A magazine cover designed to refresh the look of Motorcycle magazine in general,
Overall the goal here was to mimic other popular and well-made magazines like Time and Vogue to relate to an otherwise immature environment for magazines.
Using a mix of serif and sans serif fonts to achieve a professional and attractive look
Fonts and Graphics
Using realistic headlines and news,
I wanted to build this cover from the fonts first so it started with different fonts being laid out in various patterns,
Once fonts were decided for the headlines, title, and other numbers such as issue, bar code, and date
After the Fonts were all decided, Graphics were then chosen based on the information being presented
The Bike
Built around a technical illustration of a BMW M1000RR motorcycle.
The design started with a simple outline, and then had a flat color scheme applied, these simple colors formed a simple basis for the shadow.
For the final look, the use of Gradient meshes and clipping masks added lighting and reflections to achieve a realistic look

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